#NoMuslimBan: A letter to my Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Alsalam alaikum,

How have you been? I know you’ve been suffering for a long time now. But this past weekend, we took a hard blow. We all did. Not one of us, all of us. It doesn’t matter if you are an Arab Muslim, an African Muslim, or a convert Muslim. Hearing that we are not welcome in a country we have helped to build has been something we’re just getting used to.

We go about our daily lives, work, family, homes, friends, and ignore the micro aggressions around us. We are good at ignoring the hatred, and bigotry that most of us encounter on a daily basis.

cladtwjvaamwo3nBut how can we keep going when there are now national policies being put in place to keep us out? How can we keep on living when our brothers and sisters, our family, our being kept away from us?

The Muslim Ban is a national threat to all of us. Not only Muslims, but everyone.

Where do you go when you’re surrounded by such reckless hate?

I have to breathe, and remind not only myself, and you, my brothers and sisters, that we can get through this. Our faith, our strength, and our solidarity can get us through this. We must stand up together, shoulder to shoulder, in the face of hatred and bigotry. We must not give in to evil. We must remain strong. And have faith that things will get better. And things will get better, because there is still some good in this world.

Yours truly,

A sister.


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